
Monday, February 28, 2011

***NEW MUSIC*** Willow Smith - 21st Century Girl

Well here is Willow Smith's new single

Its not great, but its not horrible either.... honestly i really don't have much to say about it....

Thursday, February 24, 2011

***NEW MUSIC*** Timothy Bloom ft V. Bozeman - 'Till The End of Time

This song is INCREDIBLE!!!!! And the video to go with it is just SEXY!!!!! If your a fan of music with real emotion and real singing check this out!!!!

What did you think of that?????

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Women It's YOUR FAULT Too!


I didn't say it.....

Tracy McMillan a tv writer just wrote an article for The Huffington Post entitled  "Why You're Not Married". It's aimed at women and let me just say i'm glad another woman said the things that she did instead of a man lol.

Since dating, relationships, sex and marriage is a big topic in our society i'm curious about the opinons of the women out there after reading this. Does Ms McMillan make some valid points in your opinion or is she just talking out her a$$?

A brotha i know summed it up this way after reading the article, "She may not have the answer to it all but she made a lot of good points". I have to agree with his opinon.....

What are your thoughts?

Monday, February 14, 2011

Does It Always Have To Be Left Up to the Man?


Been doing some reading and i came across this post [Why Men Pop the Question]on which examined why when it comes to propasals for marriage that it is left up to the man to do the action in a society that seeks gender equality. The author, Kay S. Hymowitz makes two main points:

1. it represents the reassertion, however brief, of repressed gender roles
2. Proposal lets men show they're thoughtful, loving, sincere, good potential mates

That last point got my mind going.....

Friday, February 4, 2011

Men Ain't Boys

Came across this trailer and i just might have to pick this up when it comes out, it appears that there may be some serious truth spoken here.

What are your thoughts?

Superbowl Commercial Preview

I got my hands on a Chevy commercial for the Superbowl, dont ask how i got it let's just say i had to do somethings which im not proud of....

Anyways its hilarious and hopefully all the commercials will be as good!